Staff of the Career Development Center
Director of consulting
Ms. Limor Indibo
04-8249508 (internal line: 53508),
Student House, 2nd floor, room 203
Center secretary
Ms. Bat-Hen Dermer
04-8288879 (internal line: 58879),
Student House, 2nd floor, room 203
Director of employer contacts
Ms. Sivan Kedar
tel. 04-8249080 (internal line: 53080),
Student House, 2nd floor, room 201
Coordinator of internship programs - general student body
Ms. Nadia Frenklach
tel. 04-8288886 (internal line: 58886),
Student House, 2nd floor, room 204
Psychologist and career counselor
Ms. Yarden Kenan
Chief psychologist
Dr. Michal Kimmel
Psychologist and career counselor
Mr. Mike Lowe
tel. 04-82400629 (internal line: 52629),
Student House, 3rd floor, room 318